95 NW 29th Street, Miami, FL 33127, USA
T: +1(305)573-6090   F: +1(305)573-6023
Opening Hours:
December 1, 2010 - August 26, 2011
Wednesday - Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm
Regular Admission: $10.00
Under 18 and Students with ID: $5.00
Admission refunded with $30 bookstore purchase

Catalog available 
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Artists in the exhibition:
Pawel Althamer
El Anatsui
Kathryn Andrews
John Baldessari
Kerstin Brätsch
Cecily Brown
Paul Chan
George Condo
Heather Cook
Thea Djordjadze
Nathalie Djurberg
Naomi Fisher

Dara Friedman
Rachel Harrison
Huan Yong Ping
Alex Hubbard
Matthew Day Jackson
Karen Kilimnik
Klara Kristalova
Sarah Lucas
Tobias Madison
Mark Manders
Dianna Molzan

Elizabeth Peyton
Amanda Ross-Ho
Analia Saban
Wilhelm Sasnal
Mike + Doug Starn
Ryan Trecartin
Rosemarie Trockel
Kaari Upson
Marianne Vitale
Jennifer West
Sue Williams
David Wojnarowicz

How Soon Now will feature over thirty of the world's most compelling contemporary artists including Cecily Brown, Thea Djordjadze, Huan Yong Ping, Matthew Day Jackson, Analia Saban, Ryan Trecartin, Kaari Upson and David Wojnarowicz. This exhibition, occupying 27 galleries, will be comprised of paintings, sculptures, photographs and videos never before exhibited in the Foundation. The artworks in this show, all of which are owned by the Collection and most of which are recent acquisitions, form disparate bodies of work from a range of generations and include established and emerging artists.

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